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Media availability for members of Team Canada’s Paris 2024 men’s volleyball team

GATINEAU (July 9, 2024) – On Thursday, July 11, the Paris 2024 men’s volleyball team captain, Nick Hoag, head coach Tuomas Sammelvuo and select team members will be available to media online at 1:30pm ET.

Later that day, the team will hold a training session open to media at the Centre Sportif de Gatineau.

Media are asked to RSVP to Jackie Skender (

Thursday, July 11, 2024
1:30pm (online only) & 4:30pm

Microsoft Teams Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 232 168 248 82
Passcode: 9tXkz5

Online & Centre Sportif de Gatineau
850 Boulevard de la Gappe
Gatineau, QC
J8T 7T7

Nick Hoag – Paris 2024 men’s volleyball team captain
Tuomas Sammelvuo – Paris 2024 men’s volleyball head coach
Additional select Paris 2024 men’s volleyball team members

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Jackie Skender
Volleyball Canada
C: 613-794-7676

Tara MacBournie, Program Manager, Sport Communications
Canadian Olympic Committee
C: 647-522-8328

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